
All around I'm looking for the Light



marți, 19 iunie 2012

Street Delivery - Concert Robin and the Backstabbers


MUSIC as the strongest drug 
CONCERT Robin and the Backstabbers - STREET DELIVERY BUCHAREST - 17 June 2012

Text & Foto: Lacramioara Opris

I had the idea to write this article after I was Sunday night with a mate at their concert - Robin and the Backstabbers at Street Delivery, Bucharest. As the concert started, I saw my mate a little bit angry. I asked him what happened and he answered to me he's very disappointed about this rock band and also about the public. "But WHY?!" - I asked him. And he showed to me the drummer. "Ok, I see him; what about the drummer??!? He is smoking... and what??", I was astonished.  "Yes", my mate answered, "but that is a joint!" - "and, if you are attentive to the public, these people are also drunk - ALL OF THEM!!"

At these words I couldn't refrain my laugh. And his reaction to my laugh was visible indignant: "have you drunk also?!?" And, hearing his question, I was laughing more... and more. "Yes, I've drunk a lemonade", I answered to him. 
"These people can not be happy if they are not feeling dizzy", he said. "Look at them, look at that drummer! He couldn't  sing so without previously taking a joint!". I looked to the drummer, I looked to the public and I felt so much sympathy for all of them; they were showing so much happiness, they were the expression of pure freedom - and everything because of MUSIC, not because of joint (by the way, the "joint" of the drummer was just a simple cigarette) or alcohol. Between the band and the public was a magic connection. In the public I saw a group of women - which I liked the most - and I've choose to photograph them. Their reaction to the MUSIC was so strongly beautiful, erotic, that  I felt it's a pity not to keep these moments out of time, taking pictures. Seeing me, my mate decided to leave me there and go home. "Good decision", I said to myself.
And I jumped into the wild emotions with every click I took.

Here are some of the pictures I took in that magic night:


Robin and the Backstabbers - Kriminal (live @ the robin's nest):

Robin and the Backstabbers - Cand te-am cunoscut Cristina:

Robin and the Backstabbers - The Sooner The Devil


Robin and The Backstabbers - Soare cu dinti

Robin and the Backstabbers

Robin and the backstabbers - Sat dupa Sat


"They can not be happy without being dizzy", said my mate. 
Once he was right because what is HAPPINESS if not the feeling we can really fly? But it's not something negative - as he pointed - on the contrary, this flying dizziness could be the main reason for which we are enduring every bad thing that happens to us. And this kind of dizziness can be also the effect of Music, not just of some joint or alcohol - as my mate suggested. The only one condition is for us to have the mind and heart wide open. 
It comes a day, we are going to the concert of our favorite band and, together with hundreds of people, we can fly high above, losing ourselves in thousands of music particles and then recovering ourselves for a while - between 2 songs - but not too much... because in the next minutes we are again released souls on high wings. 

Music as the strongest drug. 

duminică, 17 iunie 2012

Street Delivery

Street Delivery, Bucharest, 15-17 June 2012

foto: Lacramioara Opris

Different unique moments "delivered" to my eyes by the street... 3 days of joyful and optimistic atmosphere on Arthur Verona Street.
Already impatiently waiting for the next Street Delivery Event next year! - but, in my opinion, what   happened in these only 3 days it's REALLY POSSIBLE to happen every day in Bucharest (and, of course, not only in Bucharest!). It's a STATE OF MIND - a very good, optimistic one - and we have the power to create it every each day!!!
Enjoy the life! Every second at fully! :)

She IS!

Life in deep colors

Hands, Feet and His Smile

Sleepy Moment


Blue Wonder

The Dancer

The Curiosity Itself

The Newspaper Man

A Penny for his Thoughts

National Park of Bucharest

The Woman


Happy Chaos

Love NOT Money

Cezar - The Revolutionar


Golden Memories

duminică, 15 aprilie 2012

Easter Time

Happy Easter Indeed!

Fever, dizziness, muscle aches, headache, toothache, nausea, vomiting, nonsense, weird dreams, constantly sleeping ... flu... The Flu! 8 days of flu were devastating my body. There were moments I couldn’t make the difference between what is reality and what it was just a dream born from the shivers of the long, sick sleep. Agony of the chills.
Yesterday night was the Easter Night... the first one. Because I was sleeping my sick sleep till the last moment, I lost the travel with my friends outside Bucharest, at the monastery. And maybe it was a good decision to stay away from them with my virus. So, alone, I decided to leave my bed and go to the closest church, among the people, to celebrate this Holy Night. I've took a bath, I swallowed a lot of flu pills, took my camera and went out.
Because of the virus I still have with / in me, I decided to make pictures and, in this way, to be there but, in the same time, to stay away from the people. Just like a silent witness.
First steps outside were the hardest because of my weak muscles. I sweated at once and I felt dizziness. I wanted to go back to bed but I didn’t listen to this fear. And the nature outside helped me to go on: after the rain, it was such a wet perfumed air... and all those blossoming trees... I’ve just let myself fly with the wind to the closest church from my home.

(On the way to church) This is how it started:


"Reading" on people's faces: joy, tiredness, calm or simply the quiet joy of being finally free to think about themselves... what they have done wrong and what they have to put in order with themselves... Or maybe I'm wrong and that was I have seen on their faces...

Waiting for the Light... from the heavy, thick clouds...

There were young people, together with elder people and children; but most of the elder people were already inside of the church being, maybe, the first persons who came here...

I was good surprised not to see people talking on the cell phones... like in many other times. Maybe just one or two. But most of them were really concentrated on the priest's words... or changing words one to another... from time to time.

... and then came the Light...

... and again the blessed rain...

Sharing the Light one from another... deeply silence

Window of the church... an old hand just closed the window...

Everyone murmuring a soul-pray...

... the atmosphere was unreal... maybe because of the fever but I felt like living in another times...

... and the Light is coming thru us

... quiet of all souls together

Till now no one noticed I'm taking pictures... But when I turn with the camera to this direction and I saw this man in the window, for the moment I had the impression that again I have illusions and he is, in fact, just in my imagination ... my flu imagination. But he is here, for real, in this photo...
who is him..?!

line-light or lights in line...


blessed they are...


I love this couple... no reason needed

Saint Dumitru...

the rain rests... big drops of joy... ma joy

the children and their innocent thoughts...

Red - from blood; red - from wine; red - from fever; red - from love; red - from tears...

This is the place where people are burning candles and praying for their beloved that are gone... and here I saw many shadows on the walls... "Adormiti" among us, be blessed!

Sometimes, like this moment also, I would like so much to have the power of guessing people's inner thoughts... what's in her heart now..?

3 generations together as one...

... never forget that...

feet... on feet... young man... I surprised myself long watching his foot fingers... a kind of resting my eyes for a while... having no thought...

... is this the end or the Beginning? ... bells ringing...

... it was... one last look over my shoulder...

on the way home... I buried my face into this wet lilac and... it really works... I went to bed almost healthy... the fever is now violet

These are some of the photos from last night but I have to mention here something about the Missing Photo: between the people I saw a woman, she was smiling looking down, to someone. I don't remember last time when I saw such happy eyes and lips... She was floating of happiness while looking at her small daughter... but such happiness made me mute and I've totally forgot about my camera hanging on my neck... I was just absorbed by her happiness... and, somehow, I've felt her indescribably joy...

text & photo: Lacramioara Opris
 April 15th 2012